Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Big picture, lots of paint

but big brushes make it fun rather than overwhelming.
Got lots of paint down today on this:  the dancers on the left are pretty much done (apart from a slight adjustment to the back of the sarong and  brightening up the whites in the pattern) and I'm happy with the slight changes to the length of the red dancer's t shirt and skirt and the colour and tone of the layers of her tshirt.  Went away from Alizarine and more into Cadmium for the reds of her skirt and that works better I think.  So, barring any unhappy accidents, I should finish skirt and feet tomorrow! (think I'm doing the whole delayed gratification thing of 'must finish some ones that have been hanging around for ages before getting too engrossed in the KW triptych', but quite happily :) )

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