Monday, March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

More of the feathered mob and . . .

 It's the eyes, on both people and birds that I enjoy, that pin the portrait . . .

 Next step with the Stuart image:  finally girded the loins and put the text on:  after playing with different sizes, working out the layout and a few tweaks with the words themselves.  It doesn't, in the final version, cover quite as much of the image as I'd planned/hoped, but at least most of the lines are straight, the writing around the same size and no misspellings or words missed out that I can see.  I'm almost tempted to create another three paragraph text to create an inner frame . . . plenty of time now that we've negotiated a show for Sept 2017 (same time as the Desert Mob Marketplace weekend), so all good!

 The first of the finished ones . . .
 Playing with tiny lino carves (15cm square) so see how far I can push it both with the carving of detail and then printing

Monday, March 6, 2017


Mbantua Gallery are down to just two Splendid Wrens so I tapped Bean on the shoulder for some of his backyard pics and got started on some of these feathered chaps  . . . enjoying the texture of feathers and the physical texture of the wooden boards and the fact that so many of Bean's photos do with character and expression the sorts of things I want to do in oil on board.