Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A bit more redux

From minor . . . re-stretching this landscape onto a narrower size, which I like better than the previous composition
   . . .  to slightly more major.  Restretching one of the People of the School images to remove some of the sky and the right hand side and Antony (sorry mate) who was sitting on the face behind his grandad.  Even tho he had been very happy up there, as an image it all looked a bit precarious, so I'm enjoying the calm of this now.  I'll rework the range at the back, perhaps put in a tree at the back left and a rope in Raymond's right hand.

 . . . to pretty major, which involved ditching about 3/4 of the original painting of Mia and her granddaughter Cassara.  I've been working with the class Cassara's in over the last term (before my leave) and cant quite manage to link the image I painted of her with the girl I've got to know (even though she was a bit younger then).  So, she came out and Mia became a small square study, with a composition that's intentionally unusual (more room at the back of her head than the front).  Initially I was going to have a landscape there or some writing, but I'm playing with just leaving it.  Or re-stretching onto a narrow frame.  Really enjoyed going back to her and bringing out skin tones, light and character . . . and her headscarf too...

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