Saturday, September 23, 2017

boxed and ready to go!

18 paintings in 3 boxes, one sliced thumb, two lessons learned (not about the thumb:  seems I'll never learn that one about taking care with sharp things, paying attention, going slower etc etc etc :)).  1:  a big table's SO much easier for building boxes.  2: cheap packing tape is just not worth it (worth anything .. .  it simply doesnt do that sticking type thing one kind of has purchased it for in the first place)

But, with the additional task of doing a final tape with decent tap , all three boxes (much lighter and more manageable than when I tried to get a similar number into 2 boxes for a show in Darwin a couple of years ago) are READY TO GO!

So today:  no painting, no drawing  But finalising some source images, stretching canvases (8!), and preparing and boxing pictures . . . yup, a proper 'work' studio day which makes me even more look forward to the editioning of the linos tomorrow and the drawing and painting on monday;

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