Tuesday, April 25, 2017

public hol = extra art

where to start . . .
 Sunday at Judy's studio to do the overprinting of the resilience landscape map: J was off on a research trip but non-studio dog decided to join me for some company ... I managed to smudge several of the prints but they'll be ok enough for the purpose I think
 Saturday and later on Sunday was camel time again after quite a drought . . . Hercules and Darcy

 Then monday playing with a REALLY old image from Frontier Camel Farm just after the Smail's sold it . . .
 hoping the light and the perspective work
 and some dancers . . . because . . . it's quite big so I'm looking forward to seeing how I can get movement happening amidst the red and blue
 And lovely ring neck in lovely pomegranate . . . still not sure if I'll play with words snaking in and out of the foliage . . . but very much enjoying leave, fruit and feathers . . .

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