Sunday, March 19, 2017

More of the feathered mob and . . .

 It's the eyes, on both people and birds that I enjoy, that pin the portrait . . .

 Next step with the Stuart image:  finally girded the loins and put the text on:  after playing with different sizes, working out the layout and a few tweaks with the words themselves.  It doesn't, in the final version, cover quite as much of the image as I'd planned/hoped, but at least most of the lines are straight, the writing around the same size and no misspellings or words missed out that I can see.  I'm almost tempted to create another three paragraph text to create an inner frame . . . plenty of time now that we've negotiated a show for Sept 2017 (same time as the Desert Mob Marketplace weekend), so all good!

 The first of the finished ones . . .
 Playing with tiny lino carves (15cm square) so see how far I can push it both with the carving of detail and then printing

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