Monday, February 22, 2016

all the girls

 The second of Sorelle and Ruby now completed . . . and playing with some smaller camel-life ones too

Sunday, February 21, 2016

mainly landscapes

 Think the square composition works best now . . .
 that was after playing with this one . . .

Which I've now decided works best as a more cropped view . . .

 But today's been about some ariel views of West of Alice . . . quite big and out of where I'm used to being but kind of stimulating and intriguing because of that . . .

Monday, February 15, 2016

now not sure at all

So playing with a different comp. and profile just to see . . . 
 and not forgetting the camels of course . . .

Sunday, February 14, 2016


 Realised I needed to reduce his head!  And his shoulder too (which was less traumatic)
 Head's better but now working on getting the relationship between place and sitter happening:  want to get more of the sense of him in the shade of the tree and the hot bright hills behind him (where he used to play as a kid!) there and present but bleached out and hot looking.
Worked on head area (hard to tell at the distance) and getting the checks happening to create volume in the shirt.  Still not sure whether I'll knock the clothing back to bring out the head and arms yet.  Will see how things go when I'm happier with the landscape.

Monday, February 1, 2016