Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lesley from Life and Pix

Wednesdays at 4ish I head to Gap Rd where the lovely Lesley has agreed to sit for me: I'm relishing the opportunity of painting mainly from life (with some prep work and other bits and pieces between sessions).
I played with a small head on board last week, then messed around at home with chino graph pencils, then turps, then oil pastels, then more turps, to, as it were, find my way around her head.  I want to have a full length sitting pose, so took a couple of shots before I left and worked out a sketch idea that I'll take with me this Wednesday and see where we go from there.  The equally lovely Stella Spaniel+ will, I think, become an integral part of the piece (she can't quite believe her luck of having her head scratched for a whole hour at a time . . .)

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