Saturday, October 16, 2010

tonal balance

We're on to the bit I think I like best, playing with glazes to adjust skin tones and modelling bone structure.  Still not quite sure about the background on this.  Might have to bite the bullet and learn how to create masks in Photoshop so I can experiment with different colours and tones.  There's a bit of me that wants to have a Rembrandt-dark background to make the faces really glow, but at this stage I really don't know.  Want to get it started soonish, as it'll have an impact on what I'm doing with the colours of some of the shadows.

Lovely boost as well on Friday, when the portrait of Mona Hunter won the Portrait of a Senior Territorian Art Award.  And thanks, Bean for the above pic.


lenie said...

Congratulations on winning the NT Art Award! Comes as no surprise to me. The painting of Mona is outstanding, love the way you can capture peoples faces/expressions. It was this I saw In a painting displayed at Leaping Lizzards that caught my eye, the painting you have done of my 2 kids is a treasured Family possession! Keep up the good work.


alstrangeways said...

Thanks Willem! It was a blast, and so glad you like your one. Thanks for the support, Al

Lizzie said...

Congratulations on the win! Mona is my Mum and I am thrilled to bits - You have captured her beautifully. Can't wait for my husband and the kids to get home to show it to them,- next stop the Archibald! Thanks so much, all the way from Melbourne.

alstrangeways said...

Thank you Lizzie: knowing how spread out all of Mona's children are, it's great you've been able to see it. That you like it too means a great deal indeed! All the best.