I'd hoped to finish this one of Tina (had put it it the price list in optimism) so am pleased I did, as it's a sort of pair with the one of Alicia looking up and with foliage shade on her face. The camels was a bit of a 'I wonder if I can do bigger paintings on board' which started very badly yesterday but went better today. I'd picked up some stand oil (thickened linseed oil) that was recommended instead of varnish to give a bit of protection to touch dry paintings that arent ready for proper varnish (which is a 6 month wait that I've not got). It's almost as cool a discovery as the boards: very slippy and gloopy and nothing like the usual mediums I've used for the last few years (which have been alkalyds a kind of synthetic and much more 'normal' in behaviour). This one wasnt on the price list, so I might have to do some alterations . . . luckily the room brochure's an in house production so I've probably got a week before it needs final finalising. One more weekend before the opening . . . a bit more time then . . .