Monday, May 22, 2017

Darcy and the (hopeful) birds and . . .

 how can I tell that this image is upside down . . .?  20 birds carved, about 40 to go!
 Enjoying this little one of the Darce . . .  texture mainly and the difference of oil on board!
And a big thank you to Kerry for her expertise and Jude for her initiative and derring do (and studio!) for a great day and a half learning about waterless lithography (a kind of printing on metal but without all the nasty chemicals)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Darcy's Eye

as always, the eye's the fun part, the harness the tricky bit (sooo ripe for analysis there!)

Monday, May 8, 2017

ringneck and map

All ready for the symposium in 10 day's time:  and now can think about non-work related art . . . !