Wednesday, December 21, 2016

larger landscapes

Still playing with shadows, contrast, morning and evening light and loose, big brush work.  Working sometimes, sometimes not so much . . .

Monday, December 5, 2016

oh just all sorts really!

 gradually getting there with this second double portrait of  M and F:  think I might have turned a corner but we'll see.
back to the Ilparpa trees: still playing with light
 and some more aerials. . . .wanting to do some aerial perspective (to do with colour and tone) here

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

quirky adolescence

kids, yes, oldies, yes . . . something very tricky and engaging about adolescents .  . . in the middle of from here to there . . .

Sunday, November 20, 2016


 Still not happy with M on right, skin tones, form, expression,the lot.  Also playing with background colours too to create right feeling.  Really not sure if this one will resolve.
 In contrast, this one is going well.  Made some changes to F's profile and M's eye, and really enjoying just bring them each forward. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

people and light

Enjoying the foliage of the P and B pic.   Still working on M's nose and grin below

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Grapefruit tree kids

 A fun one I think: colours, composition, lovely kids . . . all good
 Enjoying the foliage for the first time in a portrait!  So, just always have grapefruit tree leaves . . .
 And a new background for Geoff . . . needed something that didn't argue as much for attention, but still keeping the lines of the hills around Mt Nancy.  The words are from his stories of growing up in and around Mt Nancy with a little bit on what he did later on.  Still working on it, but I think I'm happier with it than the conventional background that it had originally.

Monday, October 10, 2016

new landscapes

Bigger version of a couple of little studies I did a month or so ago.  Love the movement in those curves.
 Trees and a bush track from the air. So pretty.

 These above are the ranges I see every morning on my run down Ilparpa Rd towards Temple Bar

Do really like the affect in this one
 Still working on M's grin and F's chin!

Monday, September 26, 2016

oh my word what am I painting today?

An eclectic weekend of painting I suppose one could say.  Very satisfying in a slightly strange way.